Sexual Duality In University

Written By Georgia

SAPA explores the splintering of male and female college objejctives? The vaginal coddling continues on after High School, as validation culture and freedom from authority make women fat, lazy, and pleasure obsessed. Contrasted to men, having heard obscene insults for minor disagreements their entire adolesent life are forced into small groups with fellow social rejects. With the objective to push one-another along towards the goal of a worthless piece of paper in a male-dominated field


College has always been a breeding ground for leftist anti-binary npc discussion. Women come out looking like (((Hot Topic))) fent-addicted trash, and men either drop out or get destroyed by low-quality women. The independence destroys women, leading them to have more sex fueled orgies than their whore art student mothers did, and men end up broken and lonely surrounded by other broken and lonely losers.

We hoep that if you're pursuing a college/university degree, that you hear The Truth, then decide if college is the right fit for you? Do you wish to get held down socially by self hating white women and prideful child-fucking theater students? To be rejected by every woman you approach? To get barked at by women who hate you?